Your brand your brand your brand
Is the Front door to who you are. And Friday’s workshop may just open that door…
One day, 20 years ago, I was in an elevator with Madonna. I was stuck for words. 10 years later, Seal was at my Halloween party. There was me, dressed up as the devil. And there was Seal. We stood (him over 6 foot, me 5’2”) at the bowl of M&Ms. Me: stuck for words. Chewing chocolate seemed the only commonality. Suffice to say I never saw them again and we never worked together. Because I didn’t know what to say or how to explain who I was or what I could offer. Stumped.
Your brand is the front door to who you are; for people to get to know you. Like your LinkedIn profile or your website. Or how you describe your services riding up an elevator with some famous VC funding guy or that big VP you’ve always wanted to work with. If the phone is not ringing or you’re not selling.,, maybe they’re confused about your brand. Maybe you’re ready for a brand makeover.
Tired of people not calling you back? Are you not getting enough response? Have you got a crazy idea or an amazing idea? Not sure how to sell it? Do you think anyone cares?
Maybe they're confused by your brand.
Your brand is the front door for people to get to know you.
That's all about messaging. And messaging comes in the form of verbal, written, or how you network.
Imagine if you were in an elevator with someone and you had to describe your talents and what you wanted to do. What would you say?
It's easier said than done, right? To make it all easy for people to know exactly what you offer and who you are. It takes some time.
You need to have a clear brand.
But once you get clear with your messaging and your branding, you'd be surprised who's going to come knocking.
So,… What's your brand?
There’s only one action here: Come join me in the Building Your Brand Online Workshop. Learn more and RSVP at