The only thing that’s stopping you is your own mind
How are you going to get your mind healthy to achieve the possible?
….How we limit ourselves; what we think we can or can’t do.
Sometimes we wake up and we feel like we can do anything, like anything is possible.
Sometimes we wake up and everything is closed down on us.
And it’s that difference, that mindset, and how we think about ourselves, is actually our possibility. Watch below and read on…
So if we think we can do anything, we actually can. If we think we can’t do it. For whatever reason - sometimes its a lot to do with circumstances, our feelings, our inner emotions, our inner worth, our self esteem - then we can’t. We won’t. And that’s the law of attraction piece of it.
So it’s about getting our mind really healthy and knowing we ARE enough.
Knowing that we have got everything we need.
Knowing that we can.
Knowing that we are capable.
That’s the important piece of it.
Soak that in.
How are you going to get your mind healthy to achieve the possible?
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theCrea8ve powers entrepreneurs and creatives to become passion leaders. It provides community, content, podcasts, newsletters, workshops and everything to ignite Your passion - Your creativity - Your business - Your success. Crea8e Your Future!
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Why am I doing this?
I’m an Aussie, creative Artist, Author, Community Builder, Strategic Business Leader for over 25 years in Fortune 500 companies and Startups across Entertainment, technology & media; Speaker, Executive “Success” Coach and self-defined EntreprenHer. Phew…. Oh, plus, I’m a mother of twin 10 year olds.
Ever since i was 8 yrs old i knew what I wanted to do. I have a message, and that message is to be a life passion seeker; following your bliss and what makes you feel good in life. It’s all about leaving a legacy and setting an example for your kids so that they can go out and do whatever they want to do in life. And as women, we are pressured to do it all. But you know what, we can. It all starts with seeking no one else’s approval but your own, defining success on your terms, and dreaming BIG.
I have dedicated much of my career coaching leaders, and empowering creatives to achieve their life passions and business goals.
I take pleasure in providing my unparalleled insight and knowledge of the entertainment, media and technology industries to help other women, creatives and entrepreneurs get clear with who they are, what they want, and achieve amazing success with their ideas, businesses and brands. I do this through my strategic VIP coaching + online courses, books, and of course, my creativity: for without tapping into my own life passion, I would not be half the 'entreprenHER' I am today.
I realize more now than ever, that in order to fuel your life passion, you need to tap in to your authentic self, to love every part of yourself, and to know that it's all amazing and wonderful - this is the key to self-empowerment.
theCrea8ve is awaiting you.
But it takes your belief, grit and commitment to yourself, for theCrea8ve to be impactful for you. What you put in is what you get out of it.
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