I’m sitting on the coast of Italy. 🇮🇹 Yeah baby. Home of cappuccinos, spaghetti, pizza, mozzarella, blue Mediterranean Sea, and…. Stillness. In July everyone comes to Italy and Italians take care of tourists. That’s us lol. 😂 In August the Italians go on holiday. I guess we’re smack in the middle of tourist time.
And as I sit and swim, drinking my cappuccinos and eating my pasta, I’m reminded to go within- to find the stillness. Especially where we are right now where there is literally no internet (yeah I posted this the next day). So I have been forced to just…. Be….
And in this silence, waves lapping, kids laughing, and cicadas chirping in this humid summer by the sea, I am emptying my mind, opening up for my next adventure.
But one can’t go to the next until we are open, empty and patient. Living in the stillness is the key, in order to move to the next. For in the stillness our mind gets clear, our heart opens, and our rockets of desire lay in waiting when ready. Ciao from Italy 🇮🇹 ☕️ 🍕 🍝 💦
xo Gilli.
P.S. catch a little of my trip below…