Dreams, Goals, Actions. Go!
🔥 Free Goals eBook available. Read on. Plus RSVP reminder for Coffee Chat today!
🚀 Goals are the bedrock of getting things done. They tie into your dreams, which is the big, lofty, big things you want in your life. Goals are more actionable and then they are tangible. They are time bound, so you wanna be able to deliver them in a certain amount of time. They’re specific. You know exactly what you want to achieve in the goal. They shouldn’t be lofty like dreams. They should really target a timeframe and get down to the nitty gritty so you can achieve them.
And then there are actions. That’s the third level. The things you will do in order to get to the goal. Sometimes it’s called tactics.
The number one thing you have to do with your dreams and your goals and your actions is to write them down. ➡️ Write them down ‼️ ✍️ Otherwise they’re just like a pie in the sky.
“yeah, I think I was going to…”
NO ❗️Never gonna happen. Not gonna get it.
You gotta write it down. So it’s very specific, targeted, and it’ll happen.
💫 Dreams 📍 goals ➡️ actions
✍️ Grab our ⭐️ free “Goal Setting for Career Success: Writing SMART Goals to Propel Your Path” ⭐️ eBook …. today and write your goals down ✍️
⏰ RSVP reminder
And today at 1pm PST we’re gathering for our monthly Career Coffee & Chat. We’re talking about the 2024 job market. It’s free. Informal. Fun. Bring your cup of Joe. It’s not too late to RSVP here
Dream on
Awesome thanks Gilli.. Getting the Cds done now.. Got some videos scheduled and having a listening party soon in band camp. All by using visualization and mantras thank you